Configuring the Firewall List

This dialog lets you specify the scope of your firewall. A firewall is typically characterized by a DNS domain that separates one group of machines from the rest of the Internet hosts. For example "" is a domain that groups all of the machines at Sun Microsystems, Inc.

However, it is possible to have finer control over what a firewall is. For example, you may want to consider only a subset of the machines in a given domain to be the ones that you trust to get applets from.

The firewall list in this dialog can contain two kinds of entries:

To add an entry to the firewall list, type the entry into the textfield and either press Return or click the "Add" button.


Click this button to add the contents of the textfield to the firewall list.


Click this button to replace the selected entry (in the firewall list) with the contents of the textfield.


Click this button to delete the selected entry from the firewall list.

Entry type

Use this menu button to specify whether the entry you're about to add is a domain or a host. The domain entry "." is the same as entering all local host names.


Click this button to apply and save the changes you've specified. This operation may fail if a system security configuration file has been set up for HotJava.


This button cancels all the changes you've made and resets the choices to their initial values.


This button brings up this page in HotJava.