JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use TreePath
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.event Provides for events fired by Swing components. 
javax.swing.plaf Provides one interface and many abstract classes that Swing uses to provide its pluggable look-and-feel capabilities. 
javax.swing.plaf.basic Provides user interface objects built according to the Basic look and feel. 
javax.swing.plaf.metal Provides user interface objects built according to the Java look and feel (once codenamed Metal), which is the default look and feel. 
javax.swing.plaf.multi Provides user interface objects that combine two or more look and feels. 
javax.swing.tree Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTree

Uses of TreePath in javax.swing

Methods in javax.swing that return TreePath
 TreePath JTree.getLeadSelectionPath()
          Returns the path identified as the lead.
 TreePath JTree.getAnchorSelectionPath()
          Returns the path identified as the anchor.
 TreePath JTree.getSelectionPath()
          Returns the path to the first selected node.
 TreePath[] JTree.getSelectionPaths()
          Returns the paths of all selected values.
 TreePath JTree.getPathForRow(int row)
          Returns the path for the specified row.
 TreePath JTree.getPathForLocation(int x, int y)
          Returns the path for the node at the specified location.
 TreePath JTree.getClosestPathForLocation(int x, int y)
          Returns the path to the node that is closest to x,y.
 TreePath JTree.getEditingPath()
          Returns the path to the element that is currently being edited.
protected  TreePath[] JTree.getPathBetweenRows(int index0, int index1)
          Returns JTreePath instances representing the path between index0 and index1 (including index1).
 TreePath JTree.getNextMatch(String prefix, int startingRow, Position.Bias bias)
          Returns the TreePath to the next tree element that begins with a prefix.

Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type TreePath
 boolean JTree.isPathEditable(TreePath path)
          Returns isEditable.
 void JTree.setSelectionPath(TreePath path)
          Selects the node identified by the specified path.
 void JTree.setSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
          Selects the nodes identified by the specified array of paths.
 void JTree.setLeadSelectionPath(TreePath newPath)
          Sets the path identifies as the lead.
 void JTree.setAnchorSelectionPath(TreePath newPath)
          Sets the path identified as the anchor.
 void JTree.addSelectionPath(TreePath path)
          Adds the node identified by the specified TreePath to the current selection.
 void JTree.addSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
          Adds each path in the array of paths to the current selection.
 boolean JTree.isPathSelected(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the item identified by the path is currently selected.
 Enumeration JTree.getExpandedDescendants(TreePath parent)
          Returns an Enumeration of the descendants of the path parent that are currently expanded.
 boolean JTree.hasBeenExpanded(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the node identified by the path has ever been expanded.
 boolean JTree.isExpanded(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the node identified by the path is currently expanded,
 boolean JTree.isCollapsed(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the value identified by path is currently collapsed, this will return false if any of the values in path are currently not being displayed.
 void JTree.makeVisible(TreePath path)
          Ensures that the node identified by path is currently viewable.
 boolean JTree.isVisible(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the value identified by path is currently viewable, which means it is either the root or all of its parents are expanded.
 Rectangle JTree.getPathBounds(TreePath path)
          Returns the Rectangle that the specified node will be drawn into.
 void JTree.scrollPathToVisible(TreePath path)
          Makes sure all the path components in path are expanded (except for the last path component) and scrolls so that the node identified by the path is displayed.
 int JTree.getRowForPath(TreePath path)
          Returns the row that displays the node identified by the specified path.
 void JTree.expandPath(TreePath path)
          Ensures that the node identified by the specified path is expanded and viewable.
 void JTree.collapsePath(TreePath path)
          Ensures that the node identified by the specified path is collapsed and viewable.
 void JTree.startEditingAtPath(TreePath path)
          Selects the node identified by the specified path and initiates editing.
 void JTree.removeSelectionPath(TreePath path)
          Removes the node identified by the specified path from the current selection.
 void JTree.removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
          Removes the nodes identified by the specified paths from the current selection.
 void JTree.fireTreeExpanded(TreePath path)
          Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
 void JTree.fireTreeCollapsed(TreePath path)
          Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
 void JTree.fireTreeWillExpand(TreePath path)
          Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
 void JTree.fireTreeWillCollapse(TreePath path)
          Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
protected  void JTree.setExpandedState(TreePath path, boolean state)
          Sets the expanded state of this JTree.
protected  Enumeration JTree.getDescendantToggledPaths(TreePath parent)
          Returns an Enumeration of TreePaths that have been expanded that are descendants of parent.
protected  boolean JTree.removeDescendantSelectedPaths(TreePath path, boolean includePath)
          Removes any paths in the selection that are descendants of path.
 void JTree.EmptySelectionModel.setSelectionPaths(TreePath[] pPaths)
          A null implementation that selects nothing.
 void JTree.EmptySelectionModel.addSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
          A null implementation that adds nothing.
 void JTree.EmptySelectionModel.removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
          A null implementation that removes nothing.

Constructors in javax.swing with parameters of type TreePath
JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode(JTree t, TreePath p, Accessible ap)
          Constructs an AccessibleJTreeNode

Uses of TreePath in javax.swing.event

Fields in javax.swing.event declared as TreePath
protected  TreePath TreeExpansionEvent.path
          Path to the value this event represents.
protected  TreePath TreeModelEvent.path
          Path to the parent of the nodes that have changed.
protected  TreePath[] TreeSelectionEvent.paths
          Paths this event represents.
protected  TreePath TreeSelectionEvent.oldLeadSelectionPath
          leadSelectionPath before the paths changed, may be null.
protected  TreePath TreeSelectionEvent.newLeadSelectionPath
          leadSelectionPath after the paths changed, may be null.

Methods in javax.swing.event that return TreePath
 TreePath TreeExpansionEvent.getPath()
          Returns the path to the value that has been expanded/collapsed.
 TreePath TreeModelEvent.getTreePath()
          For all events, except treeStructureChanged, returns the parent of the changed nodes.
 TreePath[] TreeSelectionEvent.getPaths()
          Returns the paths that have been added or removed from the selection.
 TreePath TreeSelectionEvent.getPath()
          Returns the first path element.
 TreePath TreeSelectionEvent.getOldLeadSelectionPath()
          Returns the path that was previously the lead path.
 TreePath TreeSelectionEvent.getNewLeadSelectionPath()
          Returns the current lead path.

Methods in javax.swing.event with parameters of type TreePath
 boolean TreeSelectionEvent.isAddedPath(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the path identified by path was added to the selection.

Constructors in javax.swing.event with parameters of type TreePath
TreeExpansionEvent(Object source, TreePath path)
          Constructs a TreeExpansionEvent object.
TreeModelEvent(Object source, TreePath path, int[] childIndices, Object[] children)
          Used to create an event when nodes have been changed, inserted, or removed, identifying the path to the parent of the modified items as a TreePath object.
TreeModelEvent(Object source, TreePath path)
          Used to create an event when the node structure has changed in some way, identifying the path to the root of the modified subtree as a TreePath object.
TreeSelectionEvent(Object source, TreePath[] paths, boolean[] areNew, TreePath oldLeadSelectionPath, TreePath newLeadSelectionPath)
          Represents a change in the selection of a TreeSelectionModel.
TreeSelectionEvent(Object source, TreePath path, boolean isNew, TreePath oldLeadSelectionPath, TreePath newLeadSelectionPath)
          Represents a change in the selection of a TreeSelectionModel.

Uses of TreePath in javax.swing.plaf

Methods in javax.swing.plaf that return TreePath
abstract  TreePath TreeUI.getPathForRow(JTree tree, int row)
          Returns the path for passed in row.
abstract  TreePath TreeUI.getClosestPathForLocation(JTree tree, int x, int y)
          Returns the path to the node that is closest to x,y.
abstract  TreePath TreeUI.getEditingPath(JTree tree)
          Returns the path to the element that is being edited.

Methods in javax.swing.plaf with parameters of type TreePath
abstract  Rectangle TreeUI.getPathBounds(JTree tree, TreePath path)
          Returns the Rectangle enclosing the label portion that the last item in path will be drawn into.
abstract  int TreeUI.getRowForPath(JTree tree, TreePath path)
          Returns the row that the last item identified in path is visible at.
abstract  void TreeUI.startEditingAtPath(JTree tree, TreePath path)
          Selects the last item in path and tries to edit it.

Uses of TreePath in javax.swing.plaf.basic

Fields in javax.swing.plaf.basic declared as TreePath
protected  TreePath BasicTreeUI.editingPath
          Path that is being edited.

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.basic that return TreePath
 TreePath BasicTreeUI.getPathForRow(JTree tree, int row)
          Returns the path for passed in row.
 TreePath BasicTreeUI.getClosestPathForLocation(JTree tree, int x, int y)
          Returns the path to the node that is closest to x,y.
 TreePath BasicTreeUI.getEditingPath(JTree tree)
          Returns the path to the element that is being edited.
protected  TreePath BasicTreeUI.getLastChildPath(TreePath parent)
          Returns a path to the last child of parent.

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.basic with parameters of type TreePath
 Rectangle BasicTreeUI.getPathBounds(JTree tree, TreePath path)
          Returns the Rectangle enclosing the label portion that the last item in path will be drawn into.
 int BasicTreeUI.getRowForPath(JTree tree, TreePath path)
          Returns the row that the last item identified in path is visible at.
 void BasicTreeUI.startEditingAtPath(JTree tree, TreePath path)
          Selects the last item in path and tries to edit it.
protected  void BasicTreeUI.paintHorizontalPartOfLeg(Graphics g, Rectangle clipBounds, Insets insets, Rectangle bounds, TreePath path, int row, boolean isExpanded, boolean hasBeenExpanded, boolean isLeaf)
          Paints the horizontal part of the leg.
protected  void BasicTreeUI.paintVerticalPartOfLeg(Graphics g, Rectangle clipBounds, Insets insets, TreePath path)
          Paints the vertical part of the leg.
protected  void BasicTreeUI.paintExpandControl(Graphics g, Rectangle clipBounds, Insets insets, Rectangle bounds, TreePath path, int row, boolean isExpanded, boolean hasBeenExpanded, boolean isLeaf)
          Paints the expand (toggle) part of a row.
protected  void BasicTreeUI.paintRow(Graphics g, Rectangle clipBounds, Insets insets, Rectangle bounds, TreePath path, int row, boolean isExpanded, boolean hasBeenExpanded, boolean isLeaf)
          Paints the renderer part of a row.
protected  boolean BasicTreeUI.shouldPaintExpandControl(TreePath path, int row, boolean isExpanded, boolean hasBeenExpanded, boolean isLeaf)
          Returns true if the expand (toggle) control should be drawn for the specified row.
protected  void BasicTreeUI.updateExpandedDescendants(TreePath path)
          Updates the expanded state of all the descendants of path by getting the expanded descendants from the tree and forwarding to the tree state.
protected  TreePath BasicTreeUI.getLastChildPath(TreePath parent)
          Returns a path to the last child of parent.
protected  void BasicTreeUI.pathWasExpanded(TreePath path)
          Messaged from the VisibleTreeNode after it has been expanded.
protected  void BasicTreeUI.pathWasCollapsed(TreePath path)
          Messaged from the VisibleTreeNode after it has collapsed.
protected  boolean BasicTreeUI.startEditing(TreePath path, MouseEvent event)
          Will start editing for node if there is a cellEditor and shouldSelectCell returns true.
protected  void BasicTreeUI.checkForClickInExpandControl(TreePath path, int mouseX, int mouseY)
          If the mouseX and mouseY are in the expand/collapse region of the row, this will toggle the row.
protected  boolean BasicTreeUI.isLocationInExpandControl(TreePath path, int mouseX, int mouseY)
          Returns true if mouseX and mouseY fall in the area of row that is used to expand/collapse the node and the node at row does not represent a leaf.
protected  void BasicTreeUI.handleExpandControlClick(TreePath path, int mouseX, int mouseY)
          Messaged when the user clicks the particular row, this invokes toggleExpandState.
protected  void BasicTreeUI.toggleExpandState(TreePath path)
          Expands path if it is not expanded, or collapses row if it is expanded.
protected  void BasicTreeUI.selectPathForEvent(TreePath path, MouseEvent event)
          Messaged to update the selection based on a MouseEvent over a particular row.

Uses of TreePath in javax.swing.plaf.metal

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.metal with parameters of type TreePath
protected  void MetalTreeUI.paintVerticalPartOfLeg(Graphics g, Rectangle clipBounds, Insets insets, TreePath path)
protected  void MetalTreeUI.paintHorizontalPartOfLeg(Graphics g, Rectangle clipBounds, Insets insets, Rectangle bounds, TreePath path, int row, boolean isExpanded, boolean hasBeenExpanded, boolean isLeaf)

Uses of TreePath in javax.swing.plaf.multi

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.multi that return TreePath
 TreePath MultiTreeUI.getPathForRow(JTree a, int b)
          Invokes the getPathForRow method on each UI handled by this object.
 TreePath MultiTreeUI.getClosestPathForLocation(JTree a, int b, int c)
          Invokes the getClosestPathForLocation method on each UI handled by this object.
 TreePath MultiTreeUI.getEditingPath(JTree a)
          Invokes the getEditingPath method on each UI handled by this object.

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.multi with parameters of type TreePath
 Rectangle MultiTreeUI.getPathBounds(JTree a, TreePath b)
          Invokes the getPathBounds method on each UI handled by this object.
 int MultiTreeUI.getRowForPath(JTree a, TreePath b)
          Invokes the getRowForPath method on each UI handled by this object.
 void MultiTreeUI.startEditingAtPath(JTree a, TreePath b)
          Invokes the startEditingAtPath method on each UI handled by this object.

Uses of TreePath in javax.swing.tree

Fields in javax.swing.tree declared as TreePath
protected  TreePath DefaultTreeCellEditor.lastPath
          Last path that was selected.
protected  TreePath[] DefaultTreeSelectionModel.selection
          Paths that are currently selected.
protected  TreePath DefaultTreeSelectionModel.leadPath
          Last path that was added.

Methods in javax.swing.tree that return TreePath
 TreePath VariableHeightLayoutCache.getPathForRow(int row)
          Returns the path for row.
 TreePath VariableHeightLayoutCache.getPathClosestTo(int x, int y)
          Returns the path to the node that is closest to x,y.
 TreePath FixedHeightLayoutCache.getPathForRow(int row)
          Returns the path for passed in row.
 TreePath FixedHeightLayoutCache.getPathClosestTo(int x, int y)
          Returns the path to the node that is closest to x,y.
abstract  TreePath AbstractLayoutCache.getPathForRow(int row)
          Returns the path for passed in row.
abstract  TreePath AbstractLayoutCache.getPathClosestTo(int x, int y)
          Returns the path to the node that is closest to x,y.
 TreePath DefaultTreeSelectionModel.getSelectionPath()
          Returns the first path in the selection.
 TreePath[] DefaultTreeSelectionModel.getSelectionPaths()
          Returns the paths in the selection.
 TreePath DefaultTreeSelectionModel.getLeadSelectionPath()
          Returns the last path that was added.
 TreePath TreePath.pathByAddingChild(Object child)
          Returns a new path containing all the elements of this object plus child.
 TreePath TreePath.getParentPath()
          Returns a path containing all the elements of this object, except the last path component.
 TreePath TreeSelectionModel.getSelectionPath()
          Returns the first path in the selection.
 TreePath[] TreeSelectionModel.getSelectionPaths()
          Returns the paths in the selection.
 TreePath TreeSelectionModel.getLeadSelectionPath()
          Returns the last path that was added.

Methods in javax.swing.tree with parameters of type TreePath
 void VariableHeightLayoutCache.setExpandedState(TreePath path, boolean isExpanded)
          Marks the path path expanded state to isExpanded.
 boolean VariableHeightLayoutCache.getExpandedState(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the path is expanded, and visible.
 Rectangle VariableHeightLayoutCache.getBounds(TreePath path, Rectangle placeIn)
          Returns the Rectangle enclosing the label portion into which the item identified by path will be drawn.
 int VariableHeightLayoutCache.getRowForPath(TreePath path)
          Returns the row where the last item identified in path is visible.
 void VariableHeightLayoutCache.invalidatePathBounds(TreePath path)
          Instructs the LayoutCache that the bounds for path are invalid, and need to be updated.
 Enumeration VariableHeightLayoutCache.getVisiblePathsFrom(TreePath path)
          Returns an Enumerator that increments over the visible paths starting at the passed in location.
 int VariableHeightLayoutCache.getVisibleChildCount(TreePath path)
          Returns the number of visible children for path.
 boolean VariableHeightLayoutCache.isExpanded(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the value identified by path is currently expanded.
 void FixedHeightLayoutCache.invalidatePathBounds(TreePath path)
          Does nothing, FixedHeightLayoutCache doesn't cache width, and that is all that could change.
 boolean FixedHeightLayoutCache.isExpanded(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the value identified by row is currently expanded.
 Rectangle FixedHeightLayoutCache.getBounds(TreePath path, Rectangle placeIn)
          Returns a rectangle giving the bounds needed to draw path.
 int FixedHeightLayoutCache.getRowForPath(TreePath path)
          Returns the row that the last item identified in path is visible at.
 int FixedHeightLayoutCache.getVisibleChildCount(TreePath path)
          Returns the number of visible children for row.
 Enumeration FixedHeightLayoutCache.getVisiblePathsFrom(TreePath path)
          Returns an Enumerator that increments over the visible paths starting at the passed in location.
 void FixedHeightLayoutCache.setExpandedState(TreePath path, boolean isExpanded)
          Marks the path path expanded state to isExpanded.
 boolean FixedHeightLayoutCache.getExpandedState(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the path is expanded, and visible.
abstract  boolean AbstractLayoutCache.isExpanded(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the value identified by row is currently expanded.
abstract  Rectangle AbstractLayoutCache.getBounds(TreePath path, Rectangle placeIn)
          Returns a rectangle giving the bounds needed to draw path.
abstract  int AbstractLayoutCache.getRowForPath(TreePath path)
          Returns the row that the last item identified in path is visible at.
abstract  Enumeration AbstractLayoutCache.getVisiblePathsFrom(TreePath path)
          Returns an Enumerator that increments over the visible paths starting at the passed in location.
abstract  int AbstractLayoutCache.getVisibleChildCount(TreePath path)
          Returns the number of visible children for row.
abstract  void AbstractLayoutCache.setExpandedState(TreePath path, boolean isExpanded)
          Marks the path path expanded state to isExpanded.
abstract  boolean AbstractLayoutCache.getExpandedState(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the path is expanded, and visible.
abstract  void AbstractLayoutCache.invalidatePathBounds(TreePath path)
          Instructs the LayoutCache that the bounds for path are invalid, and need to be updated.
 int[] AbstractLayoutCache.getRowsForPaths(TreePath[] paths)
          Returns the rows that the TreePath instances in path are being displayed at.
 void DefaultTreeModel.valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object newValue)
          This sets the user object of the TreeNode identified by path and posts a node changed.
 void DefaultTreeSelectionModel.setSelectionPath(TreePath path)
          Sets the selection to path.
 void DefaultTreeSelectionModel.setSelectionPaths(TreePath[] pPaths)
          Sets the selection to the paths in paths.
 void DefaultTreeSelectionModel.addSelectionPath(TreePath path)
          Adds path to the current selection.
 void DefaultTreeSelectionModel.addSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
          Adds paths to the current selection.
 void DefaultTreeSelectionModel.removeSelectionPath(TreePath path)
          Removes path from the selection.
 void DefaultTreeSelectionModel.removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
          Removes paths from the selection.
 boolean DefaultTreeSelectionModel.isPathSelected(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the path, path, is in the current selection.
protected  boolean DefaultTreeSelectionModel.arePathsContiguous(TreePath[] paths)
          Returns true if the paths are contiguous, or this object has no RowMapper.
protected  boolean DefaultTreeSelectionModel.canPathsBeAdded(TreePath[] paths)
          Used to test if a particular set of TreePaths can be added.
protected  boolean DefaultTreeSelectionModel.canPathsBeRemoved(TreePath[] paths)
          Returns true if the paths can be removed without breaking the continuity of the model.
protected  void DefaultTreeSelectionModel.notifyPathChange(Vector changedPaths, TreePath oldLeadSelection)
          Notifies listeners of a change in path.
 int[] RowMapper.getRowsForPaths(TreePath[] path)
          Returns the rows that the TreePath instances in path are being displayed at.
 boolean TreePath.isDescendant(TreePath aTreePath)
          Returns true if aTreePath is a descendant of this TreePath.
 void TreeSelectionModel.setSelectionPath(TreePath path)
          Sets the selection to path.
 void TreeSelectionModel.setSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
          Sets the selection to path.
 void TreeSelectionModel.addSelectionPath(TreePath path)
          Adds path to the current selection.
 void TreeSelectionModel.addSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
          Adds paths to the current selection.
 void TreeSelectionModel.removeSelectionPath(TreePath path)
          Removes path from the selection.
 void TreeSelectionModel.removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
          Removes paths from the selection.
 boolean TreeSelectionModel.isPathSelected(TreePath path)
          Returns true if the path, path, is in the current selection.
 void TreeModel.valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object newValue)
          Messaged when the user has altered the value for the item identified by path to newValue.

Constructors in javax.swing.tree with parameters of type TreePath
TreePath(TreePath parent, Object lastElement)
          Constructs a new TreePath, which is the path identified by parent ending in lastElement.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

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