New APIs in Java 21
Comparing Java 21 (21.0.6+7-LTS-tem) with Java 20 (20.0.2+9-tem).
Element | Modification |
java.base |
| |
java.lang.constant |
ConstantDescs |
ClassDesc |
MethodHandleDesc |
MethodTypeDesc |
java.lang.foreign |
Arena |
isCloseableBy(Thread) |
openConfined() |
openShared() |
scope() |
GroupLayout |
withBitAlignment(long) |
Linker.Option.CaptureCallState |
Linker.Option |
captureCallState(String...) |
Linker |
upcallStub(MethodHandle, FunctionDescriptor,... |
MemoryLayout.PathElement |
MemoryLayout |
bitAlignment() |
bitOffset(MemoryLayout.PathElement...) |
bitOffsetHandle(MemoryLayout.PathElement...) |
bitSize() |
valueLayout(Class, ByteOrder) |
withBitAlignment(long) |
MemorySegment |
allocateNative(MemoryLayout, SegmentScope) |
allocateNative(long, SegmentScope) |
allocateNative(long, long, SegmentScope) |
array() |
get(ValueLayout.OfAddress, long) |
getAtIndex(ValueLayout.OfAddress, long) |
ofAddress(long, long) |
ofAddress(long, long, SegmentScope) |
ofAddress(long, long, SegmentScope, Runnable) |
scope() |
set(ValueLayout.OfAddress, long, MemorySegment) |
setAtIndex(ValueLayout.OfAddress, long,... |
PaddingLayout |
withBitAlignment(long) |
SegmentAllocator |
allocate(ValueLayout.OfAddress, MemorySegment) |
nativeAllocator(SegmentScope) |
SegmentScope |
SequenceLayout |
withBitAlignment(long) |
StructLayout |
withBitAlignment(long) |
SymbolLookup |
libraryLookup(Path, SegmentScope) |
libraryLookup(String, SegmentScope) |
UnionLayout |
withBitAlignment(long) |
VaList.Builder |
VaList |
ValueLayout.OfAddress |
ValueLayout.OfBoolean |
withBitAlignment(long) |
ValueLayout.OfByte |
withBitAlignment(long) |
ValueLayout.OfChar |
withBitAlignment(long) |
ValueLayout.OfDouble |
withBitAlignment(long) |
ValueLayout.OfFloat |
withBitAlignment(long) |
ValueLayout.OfInt |
withBitAlignment(long) |
ValueLayout.OfLong |
withBitAlignment(long) |
ValueLayout.OfShort |
withBitAlignment(long) |
ValueLayout |
withBitAlignment(long) |
java.lang.invoke |
ClassSpecializer.Factory |
ClassSpecializer.SpeciesData |
StringConcatFactory |
VarHandle |
java.lang.reflect |
ClassFileFormatVersion |
java.lang.runtime |
java.lang |
Character |
Class |
Compiler |
FdLibm.Cbrt |
FdLibm.Hypot |
FdLibm.Pow |
Math |
StrictMath |
String |
ThreadGroup |
allowThreadSuspension(boolean) |
Thread |
allowSetThreadLocals(boolean) |
allowSetThreadLocals(boolean) |
allowSetThreadLocals(boolean) |
java.nio.channels |
FileChannel |
map(FileChannel.MapMode, long, long, SegmentScope) |
| |
CertStore |
java.util.concurrent |
ConcurrentSkipListMap |
ConcurrentSkipListSet |
CopyOnWriteArrayList |
DelayQueue |
Executors |
java.util.regex |
Pattern |
java.util |
ArrayList |
Collections |
LinkedList |
Locale |
TreeMap |
TreeSet |
NavigableMap |
NavigableSet |
javax.crypto |
| |
KeyManagerFactory |
TrustManagerFactory |
java.compiler |
javax.lang.model.element |
TypeElement |
VariableElement |
javax.lang.model |
SourceVersion |
java.desktop |
javax.swing.plaf.synth |
SynthComboBoxUI |
SynthLookAndFeel |
javax.swing.text.html |
AccessibleHTML.HTMLAccessibleContext |
| |
| |
RMIIIOPServerImpl |
| |
| |
JMXConnector |
| |
| |
java.xml.crypto |
javax.xml.crypto.dsig |
SignatureMethod |
This report is based on simple comparison of all public
APIs of the java.*
and javax.*
packages of JDK builds 21.0.6+7-LTS-tem and
20.0.2+9-tem. It does not make statements about
For the latest Java versions the corresponding CSRs (Compatibility & Specification Review) are linked for a quick reference to find out about the reasoning of the change.