New APIs in Java 24
Comparing Java 24 (24+36-3646-open) with Java 13 (13.0.2+8-adpt).
Element | Modification |
java.base |
| |
BufferedInputStream |
CharArrayReader |
FileInputStream |
InputStreamReader |
InvalidClassException |
InvalidObjectException |
ObjectInputFilter.Config |
ObjectInputStream.GetField |
ObjectInputStream |
ObjectOutputStream.PutField |
ObjectOutputStream |
ObjectStreamException |
PrintStream |
PushbackInputStream |
Reader |
SequenceInputStream |
WriteAbortedException |
ObjectInputFilter |
java.lang.annotation |
ElementType |
java.lang.constant |
ConstantDescs |
java.lang.invoke |
ClassSpecializer.Factory |
ClassSpecializer.SpeciesData |
ConstantBootstraps |
ConstantBootstraps() |
MethodHandles.Lookup |
MethodHandles |
java.lang.module |
ModuleDescriptor.Exports |
ModuleDescriptor.Opens |
ModuleDescriptor.Requires |
ModuleDescriptor |
java.lang.ref |
ReferenceQueue |
java.lang.reflect |
AccessibleObject |
Field |
Method |
Modifier |
Modifier() |
Parameter |
AnnotatedType |
InvocationHandler |
Member |
java.lang |
Character.UnicodeBlock |
Class |
Compiler |
Double |
Enum |
FdLibm.Cbrt |
FdLibm.Hypot |
FdLibm.Pow |
Float |
IndexOutOfBoundsException |
Integer |
LiveStackFrame.PrimitiveSlot |
PrimitiveSlot() |
Long |
Math |
ModuleLayer.Controller |
Module |
NullPointerException |
Object |
Process |
Runtime |
StrictMath |
String |
System |
ThreadGroup |
allowThreadSuspension(boolean) |
resume() |
stop() |
suspend() |
Thread |
countStackFrames() |
resume() |
suspend() |
Character.UnicodeScript |
StackWalker.Option |
CharSequence |
java.math |
BigDecimal |
BigInteger |
| |
| |
DatagramSocketImpl |
DatagramSocket |
Inet4Address |
Inet6Address |
MulticastSocket |
supportedOptions() |
ServerSocket |
SocketException |
Socket |
URLDecoder |
URLDecoder() |
StandardProtocolFamily |
java.nio.channels.spi |
SelectorProvider |
java.nio.channels |
FileChannel |
ServerSocketChannel |
SocketChannel |
java.nio.charset |
Charset |
StandardCharsets |
java.nio.file.spi |
FileSystemProvider |
java.nio.file |
Path |
java.nio |
| |
| |
X509CRLSelector |
X509CRL |
X509CertSelector |
X509Certificate |
| |
DSAKeyPairGenerator |
DSAPrivateKey |
DSAPublicKey |
ECPrivateKey |
ECPublicKey |
RSAPrivateKey |
RSAPublicKey |
XECPrivateKey |
XECPublicKey |
| |
MGF1ParameterSpec |
NamedParameterSpec |
PSSParameterSpec |
| |
InvalidParameterException |
KeyStoreSpi |
KeyStore |
java.text |
ChoiceFormat |
CompactNumberFormat |
DecimalFormatSymbols |
DecimalFormat |
MessageFormat |
NumberFormat |
SimpleDateFormat |
java.time.chrono |
IsoChronology |
JapaneseChronology |
MinguoChronology |
ThaiBuddhistChronology |
Chronology |
java.time.format |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatter |
java.time |
Duration |
Instant |
ZoneOffset |
java.util.concurrent.locks |
AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer |
LockSupport |
java.util.concurrent |
CompletableFuture |
ConcurrentSkipListMap |
ConcurrentSkipListSet |
CopyOnWriteArrayList |
DelayQueue |
Executors |
ForkJoinPool |
ForkJoinTask |
ForkJoinWorkerThread |
FutureTask |
nextGaussian() |
ThreadPoolExecutor |
Future |
java.util.jar |
Pack200 |
Pack200.Packer |
Pack200.Unpacker |
java.util.regex |
Matcher |
Pattern |
MatchResult |
java.util.spi |
ToolProvider |
| |
DoubleStream |
IntStream |
LongStream |
Stream |
| |
Deflater |
Inflater |
ZipFile |
ZipInputStream |
java.util |
ArrayList |
Collections |
HashMap |
HashSet |
IdentityHashMap |
LinkedList |
Locale |
NoSuchElementException |
Objects |
nextBoolean() |
nextDouble() |
nextDouble(double) |
nextDouble(double, double) |
nextInt(int) |
nextInt(int, int) |
nextLong(long) |
nextLong(long, long) |
TreeMap |
TreeSet |
WeakHashMap |
Map.Entry |
NavigableMap |
NavigableSet |
javax.crypto.interfaces |
DHPrivateKey |
DHPublicKey |
javax.crypto.spec |
OAEPParameterSpec |
javax.crypto |
| |
SSLHandshakeException |
SSLKeyException |
SSLParameters |
SSLPeerUnverifiedException |
SSLProtocolException |
SSLSessionContext |
SSLSession |
| |
Subject |
java.compiler |
javax.annotation.processing |
Messager |
javax.lang.model.element |
ElementKind |
ElementVisitor |
Element |
ExecutableElement |
TypeElement |
VariableElement |
javax.lang.model.type |
TypeMirror |
javax.lang.model.util |
AbstractElementVisitor6 |
ElementFilter |
ElementKindVisitor6 |
ElementScanner6 |
Elements |
Types |
javax.lang.model |
SourceVersion |
| |
ForwardingJavaFileManager |
SimpleJavaFileObject |
ToolProvider |
ToolProvider() |
DocumentationTool.Location |
JavaFileManager |
java.datatransfer |
java.awt.datatransfer |
DataFlavor |
java.desktop |
java.applet |
java.awt.color |
finalize() |
java.awt.desktop |
java.awt.dnd |
DragSourceAdapter |
DropTargetAdapter |
java.awt.event |
ComponentAdapter |
ContainerAdapter |
FocusAdapter |
HierarchyBoundsAdapter |
KeyAdapter |
MouseAdapter |
MouseMotionAdapter |
WindowAdapter |
java.awt.font |
GlyphVector |
LayoutPath |
LineMetrics |
java.awt.geom |
CubicCurve2D.Double |
getBounds2D() |
CubicCurve2D.Float |
getBounds2D() |
CubicCurve2D |
QuadCurve2D.Double |
getBounds2D() |
QuadCurve2D.Float |
getBounds2D() |
QuadCurve2D |
java.awt.image |
AbstractMultiResolutionImage |
BufferStrategy |
ColorModel |
finalize() |
IndexColorModel |
finalize() |
RGBImageFilter |
VolatileImage |
java.awt.peer |
ComponentPeer |
checkImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) |
createImage(ImageProducer) |
prepareImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) |
MenuPeer |
addSeparator() |
RobotPeer |
WindowPeer |
repositionSecurityWarning() |
java.awt |
FocusTraversalPolicy |
Graphics |
Image |
KeyboardFocusManager |
PrintJob |
Toolkit |
Window |
java.beans.beancontext |
java.beans |
Beans |
PersistenceDelegate |
javax.accessibility |
AccessibleContext |
AccessibleHyperlink |
javax.imageio.spi |
ServiceRegistry |
| |
FileCacheImageInputStream |
FileImageInputStream |
FileImageOutputStream |
ImageInputStreamImpl |
MemoryCacheImageInputStream |
javax.print.attribute.standard |
javax.print.event |
PrintJobAdapter |
javax.print |
PrintServiceLookup |
ServiceUIFactory |
StreamPrintServiceFactory |
javax.sound.midi.spi |
MidiDeviceProvider |
MidiFileReader |
MidiFileWriter |
SoundbankReader |
javax.sound.midi |
javax.sound.sampled.spi |
AudioFileReader |
AudioFileWriter |
FormatConversionProvider |
MixerProvider |
javax.sound.sampled |
javax.swing.border |
AbstractBorder |
javax.swing.colorchooser |
AbstractColorChooserPanel |
javax.swing.event |
InternalFrameAdapter |
MouseInputAdapter |
javax.swing.filechooser |
FileFilter |
FileSystemView |
FileView |
javax.swing.plaf.basic |
BasicDirectoryModel |
BasicLookAndFeel |
BasicRadioButtonUI |
installListeners(AbstractButton) |
uninstallListeners(AbstractButton) |
BasicSliderUI |
BasicSplitPaneDivider |
BasicToolBarUI |
javax.swing.plaf.metal |
MetalTheme |
javax.swing.plaf.synth |
SynthComboBoxUI |
SynthDesktopIconUI |
SynthLookAndFeel |
SynthPainter |
SynthPasswordFieldUI |
SynthTreeUI |
javax.swing.plaf |
ButtonUI |
ColorChooserUI |
ComboBoxUI |
DesktopIconUI |
DesktopPaneUI |
FileChooserUI |
InternalFrameUI |
LabelUI |
ListUI |
MenuBarUI |
MenuItemUI |
OptionPaneUI |
PanelUI |
PopupMenuUI |
ProgressBarUI |
RootPaneUI |
ScrollBarUI |
ScrollPaneUI |
SeparatorUI |
SliderUI |
SpinnerUI |
SplitPaneUI |
TabbedPaneUI |
TableHeaderUI |
TableUI |
TextUI |
ToolBarUI |
ToolTipUI |
TreeUI |
ViewportUI |
javax.swing.table |
AbstractTableModel |
TableStringConverter |
javax.swing.text.html |
AccessibleHTML.HTMLAccessibleContext |
HTMLDocument.Iterator |
HTMLEditorKit.Parser |
javax.swing.text |
DefaultEditorKit |
DefaultTextUI |
DocumentFilter.FilterBypass |
GlyphView.GlyphPainter |
LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter |
LayeredHighlighter |
NavigationFilter.FilterBypass |
javax.swing.tree |
AbstractLayoutCache.NodeDimensions |
AbstractLayoutCache |
javax.swing |
AbstractButton |
AbstractCellEditor |
AbstractListModel |
AbstractSpinnerModel |
FocusManager |
InputVerifier |
InternalFrameFocusTraversalPolicy |
JFileChooser |
JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory |
JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter |
JInternalFrame |
JPasswordField |
JScrollBar |
JSplitPane |
LookAndFeel |
RepaintManager |
RowFilter |
UIManager |
java.logging |
java.util.logging |
FileHandler |
Handler |
LogManager |
LogRecord |
Logger |
MemoryHandler |
SocketHandler |
StreamHandler |
| |
| |
RMIConnectorServer |
RMIConnector |
getMBeanServerConnection(Subject) |
RMIIIOPServerImpl |
| |
| |
MemoryMXBean |
| |
MLetContent |
MLet |
PrivateMLet |
MLetMBean |
| |
RoleStatus |
| |
JMXConnector |
java.naming |
javax.naming |
Context |
| |
| |
HttpRequest.BodyPublishers |
HttpRequest |
HttpClient.Builder |
HttpRequest.Builder |
java.rmi |
java.rmi.activation |
java.rmi.server |
RMIClassLoader |
java.rmi |
java.xml.crypto |
javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec |
javax.xml.crypto.dsig |
SignatureMethod |
java.xml |
javax.xml.catalog |
CatalogManager |
GroupEntry.ResolveType |
javax.xml.xpath |
XPathFactory |
This report is based on simple comparison of all public
APIs of the java.*
and javax.*
packages of JDK builds 24+36-3646-open and
13.0.2+8-adpt. It does not make statements about
For the latest Java versions the corresponding CSRs (Compatibility & Specification Review) are linked for a quick reference to find out about the reasoning of the change.