New APIs in Java 5
Comparing Java 5 (1.5.0_22-oracle) with Java 1.4 (1.4.2_30-oracle).
Element | Modification |
java.awt.color |
ICC_Profile |
java.awt.datatransfer |
Clipboard |
java.awt.dnd |
DragSource |
DropTargetDragEvent |
java.awt.event |
InvocationEvent |
KeyEvent |
java.awt.image |
AffineTransformOp |
java.awt.peer |
ComponentPeer |
setBounds(int, int, int, int) |
ContainerPeer |
FramePeer |
MenuComponentPeer |
TextComponentPeer |
WindowPeer |
java.awt |
BorderLayout |
Component |
Container.AccessibleAWTContainer |
Container |
Dialog |
dispose() |
DisplayMode |
FileDialog |
Font |
GraphicsConfiguration |
GraphicsEnvironment |
HeadlessException |
Image |
Insets |
TextComponent |
Toolkit |
Window |
java.beans |
IndexedPropertyDescriptor |
PropertyChangeSupport |
PropertyDescriptor |
PropertyEditorSupport |
XMLDecoder |
| |
CharArrayWriter |
File |
compareTo(Object) |
PrintWriter |
PushbackInputStream |
StringWriter |
ObjectStreamConstants |
java.lang.reflect |
Field |
Member |
java.lang |
Byte |
compareTo(Object) |
Character.UnicodeBlock |
Character |
compareTo(Object) |
ClassLoader |
Double |
compareTo(Object) |
Float |
compareTo(Object) |
IllegalArgumentException |
IllegalStateException |
Integer |
compareTo(Object) |
Long |
compareTo(Object) |
Math |
SecurityException |
Short |
compareTo(Object) |
StackTraceElement |
StrictMath |
String |
compareTo(Object) |
System |
ThreadLocal |
Thread |
clone() |
UnsupportedOperationException |
java.math |
BigDecimal |
compareTo(Object) |
BigInteger |
compareTo(Object) |
| |
Authenticator |
HttpURLConnection |
Inet6Address |
InetAddress |
InetSocketAddress |
ServerSocket |
SocketImpl |
Socket |
compareTo(Object) |
URLConnection |
URLStreamHandler |
java.nio.channels.spi |
SelectorProvider |
java.nio.channels |
java.nio.charset |
Charset |
compareTo(Object) |
java.nio |
ByteBuffer |
compareTo(Object) |
compareTo(Object) |
DoubleBuffer |
compareTo(Object) |
FloatBuffer |
compareTo(Object) |
IntBuffer |
compareTo(Object) |
LongBuffer |
compareTo(Object) |
ShortBuffer |
compareTo(Object) |
java.rmi.registry |
java.rmi.server |
java.rmi |
| |
CRLException |
CertPathBuilderException |
getCause() |
getMessage() |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
toString() |
CertPathValidatorException |
getCause() |
getMessage() |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
toString() |
CertStoreException |
getCause() |
getMessage() |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
toString() |
CertificateEncodingException |
CertificateException |
CertificateParsingException |
TrustAnchor |
X509CRLEntry |
X509CRLSelector |
X509CRL |
X509CertSelector |
| |
RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey |
RSAPrivateCrtKey |
RSAPrivateKey |
RSAPublicKey |
| |
InvalidKeySpecException |
PSSParameterSpec |
| |
CodeSource |
DigestException |
GeneralSecurityException |
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException |
InvalidKeyException |
KeyException |
KeyManagementException |
KeyStoreException |
KeyStoreSpi |
KeyStore |
MessageDigestSpi |
MessageDigest |
NoSuchAlgorithmException |
ProviderException |
Provider |
SecureClassLoader |
SecureRandom |
SignatureException |
SignatureSpi |
Signature |
UnresolvedPermission |
java.sql |
Timestamp |
compareTo(Object) |
java.text |
BreakIterator |
CharSet.Enumeration |
CollationKey |
compareTo(Object) |
DecimalFormat |
DictionaryBasedBreakIterator.Builder |
NumberFormat |
RuleBasedBreakIterator.Builder |
java.util.jar |
JarEntry |
java.util.logging |
LogManager |
java.util.regex |
Pattern |
| |
Deflater |
InflaterInputStream |
Inflater |
java.util |
ArrayList |
Arrays |
Collections |
Date |
compareTo(Object) |
GregorianCalendar |
Properties |
Timer |
javax.accessibility |
AccessibleContext |
AccessibleRelation |
AccessibleRole |
AccessibleState |
AccessibleAction |
javax.crypto.interfaces |
DHPrivateKey |
DHPublicKey |
PBEKey |
javax.crypto.spec |
javax.crypto |
CipherSpi |
Cipher |
EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo |
MacSpi |
Mac |
SecretKey |
javax.imageio.metadata |
IIOMetadataNode |
javax.imageio |
ImageTypeSpecifier |
javax.naming.ldap |
javax.naming |
NameClassPair |
| |
HandshakeCompletedEvent |
HttpsURLConnection |
SSLContextSpi |
SSLContext |
SSLException |
SSLSocket |
SSLSession |
javax.print.attribute.standard |
JobStateReasons |
add(Object) |
MediaSize.Other |
PrinterStateReasons |
put(Object, Object) |
javax.rmi.CORBA |
| |
LoginContext |
| |
javax.sound.midi |
MidiFileFormat |
MidiSystem |
Track |
events |
MidiDevice |
Sequencer |
javax.sound.sampled |
AudioFileFormat.Type |
AudioFileFormat |
AudioFormat.Encoding |
AudioFormat |
AudioSystem |
ReverbType |
DataLine |
javax.swing.event |
SwingPropertyChangeSupport |
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) |
addPropertyChangeListener(String,... |
firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) |
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) |
getPropertyChangeListeners() |
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) |
hasListeners(String) |
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListene... |
removePropertyChangeListener(String,... |
javax.swing.plaf.basic |
BasicColorChooserUI |
BasicComboPopup |
BasicDesktopIconUI |
BasicDesktopPaneUI |
BasicEditorPaneUI |
BasicListUI |
getMaximumSize(JComponent) |
getMinimumSize(JComponent) |
BasicLookAndFeel |
BasicMenuBarUI |
getPreferredSize(JComponent) |
BasicOptionPaneUI |
getMaximumSize(JComponent) |
getMinimumSize(JComponent) |
BasicPopupMenuUI |
getMaximumSize(JComponent) |
getMinimumSize(JComponent) |
getPreferredSize(JComponent) |
BasicProgressBarUI |
BasicScrollBarUI.TrackListener |
BasicScrollBarUI |
getMinimumSize(JComponent) |
BasicScrollPaneUI |
getMinimumSize(JComponent) |
getPreferredSize(JComponent) |
BasicSliderUI |
BasicSpinnerUI |
BasicSplitPaneDivider.MouseHandler |
BasicSplitPaneDivider |
BasicTabbedPaneUI |
getPreferredSize(JComponent) |
BasicTextAreaUI |
BasicToolBarSeparatorUI |
getMaximumSize(JComponent) |
getMinimumSize(JComponent) |
BasicToolBarUI |
getMaximumSize(JComponent) |
getMinimumSize(JComponent) |
getPreferredSize(JComponent) |
BasicTreeUI |
javax.swing.plaf.metal |
MetalButtonUI |
MetalComboBoxUI |
MetalFileChooserUI.FileRenderer |
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int,... |
MetalFileChooserUI.SingleClickListener |
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) |
MetalLookAndFeel |
MetalToggleButtonUI |
MetalToolBarUI |
javax.swing.table |
DefaultTableCellRenderer |
javax.swing.text.html.parser |
javax.swing.text.html |
HTMLEditorKit |
InlineView |
javax.swing.text |
DefaultCaret |
FlowView |
LabelView |
StyleConstants.CharacterConstants |
Background |
BidiLevel |
Bold |
ComponentAttribute |
Family |
Foreground |
IconAttribute |
Italic |
Size |
StrikeThrough |
Subscript |
Superscript |
Underline |
StyleConstants.ColorConstants |
Background |
Foreground |
StyleConstants.FontConstants |
Bold |
Family |
Italic |
Size |
StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants |
Alignment |
FirstLineIndent |
LeftIndent |
LineSpacing |
Orientation |
RightIndent |
SpaceAbove |
SpaceBelow |
TabSet |
StyleConstants |
TabSet |
javax.swing.tree |
DefaultTreeCellRenderer |
javax.swing |
AbstractButton |
DefaultListCellRenderer |
DefaultListSelectionModel |
JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox |
JComponent |
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) |
addPropertyChangeListener(String,... |
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) |
firePropertyChange(String, byte, byte) |
firePropertyChange(String, double, double) |
firePropertyChange(String, float, float) |
firePropertyChange(String, long, long) |
firePropertyChange(String, short, short) |
getPropertyChangeListeners() |
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) |
isMaximumSizeSet() |
isMinimumSizeSet() |
isPreferredSizeSet() |
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListene... |
removePropertyChangeListener(String,... |
JDesktopPane |
JEditorPane |
JFrame |
JLayeredPane |
JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild |
JPopupMenu |
JRootPane.AccessibleJRootPane |
JTable.AccessibleJTable |
JTable |
LookAndFeel |
SpringLayout.Constraints |
Spring |
TransferHandler |
javax.xml.parsers |
DocumentBuilderFactory |
DocumentBuilder |
SAXParserFactory |
SAXParser |
javax.xml.transform.dom |
DOMResult |
javax.xml.transform |
TransformerFactory |
Transformer |
This report is based on simple comparison of all public
APIs of the java.*
and javax.*
packages of JDK builds 1.5.0_22-oracle and
1.4.2_30-oracle. It does not make statements about
For the latest Java versions the corresponding CSRs (Compatibility & Specification Review) are linked for a quick reference to find out about the reasoning of the change.