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6 Packages

6.1 - Specifying a Compilation Unit's Package
6.2 - Using Classes and Interfaces from Other Packages
Packages are groups of classes and interfaces. They are a tool for managing a large namespace and avoiding conflicts. Every class and interface name is contained in some package. By convention, package names consist of period-separated words, with the first name representing the organization that developed the package.

6.1 Specifying a Compilation Unit's Package

The package that a compilation unit is in is specified by a package statement. When this statement is present, it must be the first non-comment, non-white space line in the compilation unit. It has the following format:

package packageName;
When a compilation unit has no package statement, the unit is placed in a default package, which has no name.

6.2 Using Classes and Interfaces from Other Packages

The language provides a mechanism for making the definitions and implementations of classes and interfaces available across packages. The import keyword is used to mark classes as being imported into the current package. A compilation unit automatically imports every class and interface in its own package.

Code in one package can specify classes or interfaces from another package in one of two ways:

         // prefacing with a package

acme.project.FooBar obj = new acme.project.FooBar();

         // import all classes from acme.project

import acme.project.*;

means that every public class from acme.project is imported.

The following construct imports a single class, Employee_List, from the acme.project package:

// import Employee_List from acme.project

import acme.project.Employee_List;

Employee_List obj = new Employee_List();

It is illegal to specify an ambiguous class name and doing so always generates a compile-time error. Class names may be disambiguated through the use of a fully qualified class name, i.e., one that includes the name of the class's package.

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