New APIs in Java 1.3
Comparing Java 1.3 ( with Java 1.2 (
Element | Modification |
java.applet |
Applet |
java.awt.color |
java.awt.datatransfer |
DataFlavor |
java.awt.event |
KeyEvent |
java.awt.font |
TextAttribute |
TextLine.TextLineMetrics |
java.awt.geom |
CubicCurve2D |
QuadCurve2D |
| |
InputContext |
InputMethodHighlight |
InputSubset |
java.awt.image.renderable |
RenderContext |
java.awt.image |
BandedSampleModel |
ColorModel |
ComponentSampleModel |
IndexColorModel |
java.awt.peer |
ChoicePeer |
ComponentPeer |
TextComponentPeer |
java.awt |
AWTEvent |
Component |
Container |
setCursor(Cursor) |
Cursor |
Dialog |
Dimension |
Font |
Frame |
GraphicsConfiguration |
Insets |
MenuComponent |
PopupMenu |
RenderingHints |
TextArea |
TextField |
Toolkit |
java.beans |
PropertyDescriptor |
| |
FileOutputStream |
ObjectInputStream |
ObjectOutputStream |
RandomAccessFile |
ObjectStreamConstants |
java.lang.reflect |
java.lang |
Double |
Float |
InheritableThreadLocal |
Runtime |
Thread |
| |
ContentHandler |
DatagramSocket |
HttpURLConnection |
SocketImpl |
Socket |
URLConnection |
URLDecoder |
URLStreamHandler |
SocketOptions |
java.rmi.dgc |
java.rmi.server |
RMIClassLoader |
| |
| |
getModulus() |
getModulus() |
| |
| |
AccessControlContext |
KeyPairGenerator |
PrivilegedActionException |
Security |
Signature |
java.sql |
Time |
java.text.resources |
DateFormatZoneData_en_US |
java.text |
CompactShortArray.Iterator |
java.util.jar |
Attributes.Name |
JarFile |
| |
ZipFile |
java.util |
AbstractSet |
Collections |
WeakHashMap |
javax.accessibility |
AccessibleContext |
AccessibleRole |
javax.swing.border |
BevelBorder |
EmptyBorder |
EtchedBorder |
LineBorder |
MatteBorder |
TitledBorder |
javax.swing.event |
EventListenerList |
InternalFrameEvent |
TreeSelectionEvent |
javax.swing.filechooser |
FileView |
javax.swing.plaf.basic |
BasicBorders |
BasicDesktopPaneUI |
BasicEditorPaneUI |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane |
addNotify() |
removeNotify() |
BasicInternalFrameUI |
BasicMenuItemUI |
BasicPopupMenuUI |
BasicSliderUI |
BasicSplitPaneDivider |
BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager |
getAvailableSize(Dimension, Insets) |
getInitialLocation(Insets) |
getPreferredSizeOfComponent(Component) |
getSizeOfComponent(Component) |
minimumLayoutSize(Container) |
preferredLayoutSize(Container) |
setComponentToSize(Component, int, int, Insets,... |
BasicSplitPaneUI |
BasicTabbedPaneUI |
BasicTextFieldUI |
BasicToolBarUI |
javax.swing.plaf.metal |
MetalBorders |
MetalComboBoxUI |
installKeyboardActions() |
uninstallKeyboardActions() |
MetalFileChooserUI |
MetalIconFactory |
MetalInternalFrameUI |
replacePane(JComponent, JComponent) |
MetalToolTipUI |
javax.swing.plaf |
PopupMenuUI |
javax.swing.table |
AbstractTableModel |
DefaultTableCellRenderer |
DefaultTableColumnModel |
DefaultTableModel |
JTableHeader |
TableColumn |
javax.swing.text.html.parser |
javax.swing.text.html |
BlockView |
FormView |
HTML.Tag |
HTMLDocument.HTMLReader |
HTMLDocument |
HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction |
HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback |
HTMLEditorKit |
HTMLWriter |
decrIndent() |
incrIndent() |
indent() |
setIndentSpace(int) |
setLineLength(int) |
write(String) |
write(char) |
InlineView |
ParagraphView |
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) |
StyleSheet |
javax.swing.text |
AbstractDocument |
AbstractWriter |
BoxView |
CompositeView |
append(View) |
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) |
insert(int, View) |
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) |
removeAll() |
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) |
DefaultCaret |
DefaultEditorKit |
clone() |
EditorKit |
JTextComponent |
isOpaque() |
processComponentKeyEvent(KeyEvent) |
setEnabled(boolean) |
setOpaque(boolean) |
breakView(int, int, float, float) |
createFragment(int, int) |
getAlignment(int) |
getBreakWeight(int, float, float) |
getNextVisualPositionFrom(int, Position.Bias,... |
getPreferredSpan(int) |
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) |
modelToView(int, Shape, Position.Bias) |
paint(Graphics, Shape) |
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) |
toString() |
viewToModel(float, float, Shape, Position.Bias[]) |
calculateMinorAxisRequirements(int,... |
getViewAtPosition(int, Rectangle) |
getViewIndexAtPosition(int) |
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) |
layout(int, int) |
loadChildren(ViewFactory) |
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory) |
PlainView |
preferenceChanged(View, boolean, boolean) |
StyleContext.NamedStyle |
TableView |
View |
javax.swing.tree |
DefaultTreeCellRenderer |
DefaultTreeModel |
DefaultTreeSelectionModel |
VariableHeightLayoutCache |
javax.swing |
AbstractAction |
AbstractButton |
AbstractListModel |
BorderFactory |
addFocusListener(FocusListener) |
contains(Point) |
getAccessibleAt(Point) |
getAccessibleChild(int) |
getAccessibleChildrenCount() |
getAccessibleComponent() |
getAccessibleIndexInParent() |
getAccessibleParent() |
getAccessibleStateSet() |
getBackground() |
getBounds() |
getCursor() |
getFont() |
getFontMetrics(Font) |
getForeground() |
getLocale() |
getLocation() |
getLocationOnScreen() |
getSize() |
isEnabled() |
isFocusTraversable() |
isShowing() |
isVisible() |
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) |
requestFocus() |
setBackground(Color) |
setBounds(Rectangle) |
setCursor(Cursor) |
setEnabled(boolean) |
setFont(Font) |
setForeground(Color) |
setLocation(Point) |
setSize(Dimension) |
setVisible(boolean) |
addFocusListener(FocusListener) |
contains(Point) |
getAccessibleAt(Point) |
getAccessibleChild(int) |
getAccessibleChildrenCount() |
getAccessibleComponent() |
getAccessibleIndexInParent() |
getAccessibleParent() |
getAccessibleStateSet() |
getBackground() |
getBounds() |
getCursor() |
getFont() |
getFontMetrics(Font) |
getForeground() |
getLocale() |
getLocation() |
getLocationOnScreen() |
getSize() |
isEnabled() |
isFocusTraversable() |
isShowing() |
isVisible() |
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) |
requestFocus() |
setBackground(Color) |
setBounds(Rectangle) |
setCursor(Cursor) |
setEnabled(boolean) |
setFont(Font) |
setForeground(Color) |
setLocation(Point) |
setSize(Dimension) |
setVisible(boolean) |
ButtonGroup |
addFocusListener(FocusListener) |
contains(Point) |
getAccessibleAt(Point) |
getAccessibleChild(int) |
getAccessibleChildrenCount() |
getAccessibleComponent() |
getAccessibleIndexInParent() |
getAccessibleParent() |
getAccessibleStateSet() |
getBackground() |
getBounds() |
getCursor() |
getFont() |
getFontMetrics(Font) |
getForeground() |
getLocale() |
getLocation() |
getLocationOnScreen() |
getSize() |
isEnabled() |
isFocusTraversable() |
isShowing() |
isVisible() |
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) |
requestFocus() |
setBackground(Color) |
setBounds(Rectangle) |
setCursor(Cursor) |
setEnabled(boolean) |
setFont(Font) |
setForeground(Color) |
setLocation(Point) |
setSize(Dimension) |
setVisible(boolean) |
DefaultBoundedRangeModel |
DefaultButtonModel |
DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate |
changeEvent |
listenerList |
addCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener) |
fireEditingCanceled() |
fireEditingStopped() |
removeCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener) |
DefaultListCellRenderer |
DefaultListSelectionModel |
DefaultSingleSelectionModel |
addFocusListener(FocusListener) |
contains(Point) |
getAccessibleAt(Point) |
getAccessibleChild(int) |
getAccessibleChildrenCount() |
getAccessibleComponent() |
getAccessibleIndexInParent() |
getAccessibleParent() |
getAccessibleRole() |
getAccessibleStateSet() |
getBackground() |
getBounds() |
getCursor() |
getFont() |
getFontMetrics(Font) |
getForeground() |
getLocale() |
getLocation() |
getLocationOnScreen() |
getSize() |
isEnabled() |
isFocusTraversable() |
isShowing() |
isVisible() |
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) |
requestFocus() |
setBackground(Color) |
setBounds(Rectangle) |
setCursor(Cursor) |
setEnabled(boolean) |
setFont(Font) |
setForeground(Color) |
setLocation(Point) |
setSize(Dimension) |
setVisible(boolean) |
JButton |
JCheckBoxMenuItem |
JCheckBox |
JComboBox |
addFocusListener(FocusListener) |
contains(Point) |
getAccessibleAt(Point) |
getAccessibleComponent() |
getAccessibleIndexInParent() |
getAccessibleParent() |
getBackground() |
getBounds() |
getCursor() |
getFont() |
getFontMetrics(Font) |
getForeground() |
getLocale() |
getLocation() |
getLocationOnScreen() |
getSize() |
isEnabled() |
isFocusTraversable() |
isShowing() |
isVisible() |
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) |
requestFocus() |
setBackground(Color) |
setBounds(Rectangle) |
setCursor(Cursor) |
setEnabled(boolean) |
setFont(Font) |
setForeground(Color) |
setLocation(Point) |
setSize(Dimension) |
setVisible(boolean) |
JComponent |
JDesktopPane |
addFocusListener(FocusListener) |
contains(Point) |
getAccessibleAt(Point) |
getAccessibleChild(int) |
getAccessibleChildrenCount() |
getAccessibleComponent() |
getAccessibleIndexInParent() |
getAccessibleParent() |
getAccessibleRole() |
getBackground() |
getBounds() |
getCursor() |
getFont() |
getFontMetrics(Font) |
getForeground() |
getLocale() |
getLocation() |
getLocationOnScreen() |
getSize() |
isEnabled() |
isFocusTraversable() |
isShowing() |
isVisible() |
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) |
requestFocus() |
setBackground(Color) |
setBounds(Rectangle) |
setCursor(Cursor) |
setEnabled(boolean) |
setFont(Font) |
setForeground(Color) |
setLocation(Point) |
setSize(Dimension) |
setVisible(boolean) |
JEditorPane |
JFileChooser |
addFocusListener(FocusListener) |
contains(Point) |
getAccessibleAt(Point) |
getAccessibleChild(int) |
getAccessibleChildrenCount() |
getAccessibleComponent() |
getAccessibleIndexInParent() |
getAccessibleParent() |
getAccessibleRole() |
getBackground() |
getBounds() |
getCursor() |
getFont() |
getFontMetrics(Font) |
getForeground() |
getLocale() |
getLocation() |
getLocationOnScreen() |
getSize() |
isEnabled() |
isFocusTraversable() |
isShowing() |
isVisible() |
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) |
requestFocus() |
setBackground(Color) |
setBounds(Rectangle) |
setCursor(Cursor) |
setEnabled(boolean) |
setFont(Font) |
setForeground(Color) |
setLocation(Point) |
setSize(Dimension) |
setVisible(boolean) |
JFrame |
JInternalFrame |
setVisible(boolean) |
JLabel |
JMenuBar |
JMenuItem |
JMenu |
JPopupMenu.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPopup |
JPopupMenu |
remove(Component) |
JRadioButtonMenuItem |
JRadioButton |
JRootPane |
findComponentAt(int, int) |
JScrollBar |
JScrollPane |
isOpaque() |
JSplitPane |
JTabbedPane |
JTable |
reshape(int, int, int, int) |
JTextArea |
processComponentKeyEvent(KeyEvent) |
JTextField |
JTextPane |
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() |
JToggleButton |
JToolBar |
remove(Component) |
JTree |
JViewport |
addFocusListener(FocusListener) |
contains(Point) |
getAccessibleAt(Point) |
getAccessibleChild(int) |
getAccessibleChildrenCount() |
getAccessibleComponent() |
getAccessibleIndexInParent() |
getAccessibleParent() |
getAccessibleRole() |
getAccessibleStateSet() |
getBackground() |
getBounds() |
getCursor() |
getFont() |
getFontMetrics(Font) |
getForeground() |
getLocale() |
getLocation() |
getLocationOnScreen() |
getSize() |
isEnabled() |
isFocusTraversable() |
isShowing() |
isVisible() |
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) |
requestFocus() |
setBackground(Color) |
setBounds(Rectangle) |
setCursor(Cursor) |
setEnabled(boolean) |
setFont(Font) |
setForeground(Color) |
setLocation(Point) |
setSize(Dimension) |
setVisible(boolean) |
JWindow |
KeyStroke |
LookAndFeel |
SwingUtilities |
Timer |
ToolTipManager |
Action |
ScrollPaneConstants |
This report is based on simple comparison of all public
APIs of the java.*
and javax.*
packages of JDK builds and It does not make statements about
For the latest Java versions the corresponding CSRs (Compatibility & Specification Review) are linked for a quick reference to find out about the reasoning of the change.