New APIs in Java 1.4
Comparing Java 1.4 (1.4.2_30-oracle) with Java 1.3 (
Element | Modification |
java.applet |
Applet |
AppletContext |
java.awt.color |
ColorSpace |
ICC_ColorSpace |
java.awt.datatransfer |
DataFlavor |
java.awt.dnd |
DragGestureEvent |
DragSourceDragEvent |
DragSourceDropEvent |
DragSourceEvent |
DropTarget |
java.awt.event |
ActionEvent |
AdjustmentEvent |
FocusEvent |
InputEvent |
InputMethodEvent |
InvocationEvent |
KeyEvent |
setSource(Object) |
MouseEvent |
WindowEvent |
java.awt.font |
FontRenderContext |
GlyphMetrics |
GlyphVector |
TextAttribute |
TransformAttribute |
java.awt.geom |
CubicCurve2D |
getBounds2D() |
Line2D |
getBounds2D() |
QuadCurve2D |
getBounds2D() |
RectangularShape |
contains(double, double) |
contains(double, double, double, double) |
getBounds2D() |
getPathIterator(AffineTransform) |
intersects(double, double, double, double) |
| |
InputMethodContext |
java.awt.image |
BandedSampleModel |
ColorModel |
ComponentColorModel |
ComponentSampleModel |
MultiPixelPackedSampleModel |
PixelInterleavedSampleModel |
SinglePixelPackedSampleModel |
java.awt.peer |
ComponentPeer |
isFocusTraversable() |
requestFocus() |
setCursor(Cursor) |
ContainerPeer |
FramePeer |
RobotPeer |
WindowPeer |
handleFocusTraversalEvent(KeyEvent) |
java.awt.print |
PrinterIOException |
PrinterJob |
java.awt |
AWTEvent |
finalize() |
AlphaComposite |
BorderLayout |
Button |
Canvas |
CheckboxMenuItem |
Checkbox |
Choice |
Color |
ComponentOrientation |
Component |
Container |
Cursor |
finalize() |
Dialog |
EventQueue |
Font |
Frame |
GraphicsConfiguration |
GraphicsDevice |
GraphicsEnvironment |
GridBagConstraints |
GridBagLayout |
Label |
List |
MenuBar |
MenuComponent |
MenuItem |
Menu |
Polygon |
PopupMenu |
Robot |
ScrollPane |
Scrollbar |
TextArea |
TextComponent |
TextField |
Toolkit |
Window |
Adjustable |
java.beans |
EventSetDescriptor |
IndexedPropertyDescriptor |
PropertyChangeSupport |
VetoableChangeSupport |
| |
FileInputStream |
FileOutputStream |
FileWriter |
File |
InputStreamReader |
ObjectInputStream.GetField |
ObjectInputStream |
ObjectOutputStream.PutField |
ObjectOutputStream |
ObjectStreamField |
OutputStreamWriter |
PrintStream |
PushbackReader |
RandomAccessFile |
WriteAbortedException |
java.lang.reflect |
InvocationTargetException |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
UndeclaredThrowableException |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
java.lang |
Boolean |
Character.UnicodeBlock |
Character |
ClassLoader |
ClassNotFoundException |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
Class |
Double |
Error |
ExceptionInInitializerError |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
Exception |
Float |
InheritableThreadLocal |
get() |
set(Object) |
RuntimeException |
Runtime |
SecurityManager |
Thread |
Throwable |
java.math |
BigInteger |
| |
Authenticator |
DatagramPacket |
DatagramSocketImpl |
getOption(int) |
setOption(int, Object) |
DatagramSocket |
HttpURLConnection |
MulticastSocket |
ServerSocket |
SocketImpl |
getOption(int) |
setOption(int, Object) |
Socket |
URLConnection |
URLDecoder |
URLEncoder |
SocketOptions |
java.rmi.activation |
ActivationException |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
ActivationGroup |
newInstance(ActivationID, ActivationDesc) |
java.rmi.server |
RMIClassLoader |
ServerCloneException |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
java.rmi |
RemoteException |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
| |
CertificateFactorySpi |
CertificateFactory |
X509CRLEntry |
getCriticalExtensionOIDs() |
getExtensionValue(String) |
getNonCriticalExtensionOIDs() |
hasUnsupportedCriticalExtension() |
X509CRL |
getCriticalExtensionOIDs() |
getExtensionValue(String) |
getNonCriticalExtensionOIDs() |
hasUnsupportedCriticalExtension() |
X509Certificate |
getCriticalExtensionOIDs() |
getExtensionValue(String) |
getNonCriticalExtensionOIDs() |
hasUnsupportedCriticalExtension() |
| |
| |
| |
AlgorithmParameterGenerator |
AlgorithmParameters |
KeyFactory |
KeyPairGenerator |
KeyStore |
MessageDigest |
Policy |
PrivilegedActionException |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
ProtectionDomain |
SecureRandom |
Security |
SignatureSpi |
Signature |
java.sql |
Timestamp |
Types |
Blob |
CallableStatement |
Clob |
Connection |
DatabaseMetaData |
PreparedStatement |
Ref |
ResultSet |
SQLInput |
SQLOutput |
Statement |
java.text.resources |
java.text |
DecimalFormatSymbols |
DecimalFormat |
FieldPosition |
Format |
MessageFormat |
NumberFormat |
SimpleDateFormat |
| |
GZIPOutputStream |
close() |
java.util |
AbstractMap |
BitSet |
Calendar |
Collections |
Locale |
ResourceBundle |
SimpleTimeZone |
TimeZone |
WeakHashMap |
javax.accessibility |
AccessibleContext |
AccessibleRole |
javax.naming.ldap |
javax.naming |
NamingException |
printStackTrace() |
printStackTrace(PrintStream) |
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) |
javax.rmi.CORBA |
Stub |
Util |
Tie |
UtilDelegate |
javax.swing.border |
SoftBevelBorder |
javax.swing.colorchooser |
AbstractColorChooserPanel |
DefaultColorSelectionModel |
javax.swing.event |
HyperlinkEvent |
ListDataEvent |
SwingPropertyChangeSupport |
javax.swing.filechooser |
FileSystemView |
javax.swing.plaf.basic |
BasicArrowButton |
BasicBorders.ButtonBorder |
BasicBorders.FieldBorder |
BasicBorders.MarginBorder |
BasicBorders.MenuBarBorder |
BasicBorders.RadioButtonBorder |
BasicBorders.ToggleButtonBorder |
BasicButtonUI |
BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI |
installDefaults() |
BasicComboPopup |
BasicDirectoryModel |
BasicEditorPaneUI |
installKeyboardActions() |
BasicFileChooserUI.BasicFileView |
isTraversable(File) |
BasicFileChooserUI.DoubleClickListener |
BasicFileChooserUI |
BasicGraphicsUtils |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane |
BasicLookAndFeel |
BasicMenuItemUI |
BasicProgressBarUI |
BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI |
installDefaults() |
BasicScrollPaneUI |
BasicSplitPaneUI.FocusHandler |
BasicTabbedPaneUI |
BasicTextFieldUI |
createCaret() |
BasicTextPaneUI |
getEditorKit(JTextComponent) |
BasicTextUI |
BasicToggleButtonUI |
paintButtonPressed(Graphics, AbstractButton) |
paintFocus(Graphics, AbstractButton, Rectangle,... |
paintText(Graphics, AbstractButton, Rectangle,... |
BasicToolBarUI |
BasicTreeUI.KeyHandler |
DefaultMenuLayout |
javax.swing.plaf.metal |
MetalBorders.ButtonBorder |
MetalBorders.Flush3DBorder |
MetalBorders.InternalFrameBorder |
MetalBorders.MenuBarBorder |
MetalBorders.MenuItemBorder |
MetalBorders.OptionDialogBorder |
MetalBorders.PaletteBorder |
MetalBorders.PopupMenuBorder |
MetalBorders.ToolBarBorder |
MetalComboBoxButton |
MetalComboBoxUI |
configureArrowButton() |
installListeners() |
installUI(JComponent) |
isFocusTraversable(JComboBox) |
selectNextPossibleValue() |
selectPreviousPossibleValue() |
unconfigureArrowButton() |
uninstallListeners() |
uninstallUI(JComponent) |
MetalDesktopIconUI |
MetalFileChooserUI.DirectoryComboBoxModel |
MetalFileChooserUI |
MetalInternalFrameTitlePane |
MetalInternalFrameUI |
MetalLookAndFeel |
MetalProgressBarUI |
paint(Graphics, JComponent) |
MetalTextFieldUI |
installUI(JComponent) |
componentAdded(ContainerEvent) |
componentRemoved(ContainerEvent) |
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) |
MetalToolBarUI |
installNonRolloverBorders(JComponent) |
installNormalBorders(JComponent) |
installRolloverBorders(JComponent) |
isRolloverBorders() |
setBorderToNormal(Component) |
setBorderToRollover(Component) |
setRolloverBorders(boolean) |
MetalToolTipUI |
javax.swing.plaf.multi |
MultiPopupMenuUI |
MultiTextUI |
javax.swing.plaf |
PopupMenuUI |
TextUI |
javax.swing.table |
AbstractTableModel |
getColumnCount() |
getRowCount() |
getValueAt(int, int) |
DefaultTableCellRenderer |
DefaultTableColumnModel |
TableColumn |
javax.swing.text.html |
BlockView |
FormView |
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent |
getSourceElement() |
TableView.RowView |
javax.swing.text.rtf |
RTFEditorKit |
clone() |
javax.swing.text |
AbstractDocument.AbstractElement |
finalize() |
AbstractDocument |
AsyncBoxView |
BoxView |
ComponentView |
setSize(float, float) |
DefaultCaret |
DefaultHighlighter |
IconView |
setSize(float, float) |
JTextComponent |
isFocusTraversable() |
LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter |
paint(Graphics, int, int, Shape, JTextComponent) |
LayeredHighlighter |
addHighlight(int, int,... |
changeHighlight(Object, int, int) |
deinstall(JTextComponent) |
getHighlights() |
install(JTextComponent) |
paint(Graphics) |
removeAllHighlights() |
removeHighlight(Object) |
PasswordView |
PlainDocument |
PlainView |
Segment |
StyleContext.NamedStyle |
StyleContext |
View |
javax.swing.tree |
DefaultTreeCellEditor.DefaultTextField |
DefaultTreeCellEditor |
DefaultTreeCellRenderer |
DefaultTreeModel |
DefaultTreeSelectionModel |
javax.swing.undo |
UndoableEditSupport |
javax.swing |
AbstractAction |
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) |
AbstractButton |
isFocusTraversable() |
AbstractCellEditor |
getCellEditorValue() |
AbstractListModel |
getElementAt(int) |
getSize() |
BoxLayout |
DefaultBoundedRangeModel |
DefaultButtonModel |
DefaultFocusManager |
focusNextComponent(Component) |
focusPreviousComponent(Component) |
processKeyEvent(Component, KeyEvent) |
DefaultListSelectionModel |
DefaultPopupFactory.JPanelPopup |
DefaultPopupFactory.PanelPopup |
DefaultPopupFactory.WindowPopup.AccessibleWindowPo... |
DefaultPopupFactory.WindowPopup |
DefaultSingleSelectionModel |
focusNextComponent(Component) |
focusPreviousComponent(Component) |
processKeyEvent(Component, KeyEvent) |
JApplet |
processKeyEvent(KeyEvent) |
JCheckBoxMenuItem |
requestFocus() |
JColorChooser |
JComboBox |
isFocusTraversable() |
JComponent |
hasFocus() |
hide() |
isFocusCycleRoot() |
isFocusTraversable() |
processFocusEvent(FocusEvent) |
JDialog |
processKeyEvent(KeyEvent) |
setLocationRelativeTo(Component) |
JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPaneHTML |
JEditorPane |
isFocusCycleRoot() |
isManagingFocus() |
processComponentKeyEvent(KeyEvent) |
processKeyEvent(KeyEvent) |
JFileChooser |
JFrame |
processKeyEvent(KeyEvent) |
JInternalFrame |
JLabel |
JList |
JMenuBar |
isManagingFocus() |
JMenuItem |
JMenu |
processFocusEvent(FocusEvent) |
JOptionPane |
JPanel |
JPopupMenu |
JProgressBar |
JRadioButtonMenuItem |
requestFocus() |
JRootPane |
isFocusCycleRoot() |
JScrollBar |
isFocusTraversable() |
JScrollPane |
JSeparator |
isFocusTraversable() |
JSlider |
JTabbedPane |
JTable |
isFocusTraversable() |
isManagingFocus() |
JTextArea |
isManagingFocus() |
processKeyEvent(KeyEvent) |
JTextField |
JToolBar |
JTree |
JViewport |
JWindow |
equals(Object) |
getKeyChar() |
getKeyCode() |
getModifiers() |
hashCode() |
isOnKeyRelease() |
toString() |
LookAndFeel |
MenuSelectionManager |
RepaintManager |
SizeRequirements |
SwingUtilities |
Timer |
UIDefaults |
UIManager |
SwingConstants |
WindowConstants |
This report is based on simple comparison of all public
APIs of the java.*
and javax.*
packages of JDK builds 1.4.2_30-oracle and It does not make statements about
For the latest Java versions the corresponding CSRs (Compatibility & Specification Review) are linked for a quick reference to find out about the reasoning of the change.